Summer Success Systems
Many schools in the industry suffer through the summer months with drastic declines in active students, revenue and enrollments. The good news is, our members take advantage of several opportunities that remain hidden from most during the summer months.
Summer can be one of your biggest marketing seasons of the year!
Outlines and Resources:
9 Pillar - Summer Success Outline:
9 Pillar Summer Success Outline (538 downloads)
Summer Camp Marketing Strategy Spreadsheet:
External Summer Camps - Data Mining Spreadsheet (461 downloads)
Summer Success Report v1:
Summer Success Report v1 (544 downloads)
Internal Summer Camp Outline
Internal Summer Camp Outline (479 downloads)
Internal Summer Camp Ideas
Internal Summer Camp Ideas (484 downloads)
Back to School Marketing Report v1
Back to School Marketing Report (478 downloads)
Summer Success Teleconferences
AUDIO: Summer Success Teleconference
Summer Success Audio 1 (655 downloads)
AUDIO: Summer Success Teleconference 2
MI Teleconf. Summer Marketing 2 (826 downloads)
AUDIO: Summer Success - Converting to Students Brainstorm Meeting
Converting Summer Leads to Students
Converting Summer Program Students (539 downloads)
AUDIO: Back to School Teleconference 1
Back To School Teleconference (audio mp3 file) (580 downloads)
Category: Marketing & More, Marketing Materials